Monday, May 10, 2010

Man, am I a bad blogger....

I can't believe I can't keep up with this.  Life is flying by, and I'm so busy that I'm not even writing it down.  Truth be told, I ran into some technical issues posting pictures, which turned into an excuse to not post.  I turned around, and it's been months since I posted. Not good....but I decided that Mother's Day would be my time to start again....writing letters to my kids about what they are up to, and what they mean to me today.

Jonah Samuel
You learned to ski this year....and you loved it!  We were not surprised at had no fear, and would point your little skis straight down the mountain.  You loved your red helmet with flames on it, and were so proud to go over the jumps with Daddy.  I, of course, was scared to death when you took off.  Daddy, of course, was super proud.  I continue to be amazed at you.  You are 110% boy, but have the most tender heart of anyone I know.  You hug everyone you see, consider everyone an instant friend, and don't have an intentional bad bone in your body.  You take up for your friends, and you protect your sister.  Sure, she might have had enough sometimes, but you are the best big brother around.  You play fiercely, and love even more fiercely.  You bring money to me all by yourself to take to church.  You want to please me and Daddy, and you are super excited to start Kindergarten in just a few month.  This is already difficult for me, and I have already cried many tears over it.  It seems like yesterday that you made me a mommy, and I quit working to stay home with you.  How can my time with you at home already be over?  It breaks my heart....You are silly, funny, inquisitive, strong-willed, loving, independent, athletic, and precious to me.

Ainsley Faith

Girl, you are something!  You constantly keep us amazed....and shaking our heads! I can't even remember what our family was like without you.  But, I totally get you.  You do something that no one else understands, but I do.  You have an opinion about everything, and let it be known.  You are like your brother in that you love fiercely.  You take nothing from him, but you love him to your core.  You squeal with delight when Daddy comes home from work, and you yell for me in the morning when you wake up.  Even though it's earlier than I would like, I secretly love hearing your deep little voice over the monitors.  You love your "mo-piece" (paci), and love to be "out-wise" (outside.)  You are tough on the outside, but extremely tender on the inside.  You love to hug every baby you see, and you will force them to hug you back.  You take up for yourself and others, and you are already a leader somehow.  You are quick to say "sawny" (sorry) when you get in trouble, and you love to laugh.  You love "boooks" and all animals.  I love snuggling you at night (for the 4 seconds that you let me), and taking in your smell.  There is nothing like it!  My independent, super strong-willed, funny, competitive, loving, protective, smart, precious girl....I wanted a daughter so much, and I love our every second together!

There were many days that I didn't know if I would get to hear the name "Mommy."  I still acknowledge that hearing it, even when it's an angry tone, is a blessing and miracle.  The Lord heard our cries, and gave you to us.  Your very names remind us of the journey we went on to find you....and exactly you.  Being a mommy is like letting someone take your heart out of your chest and having to trust that it will be alright.....some days its very difficult to let you climb as high as you would like, or ski as fast as you would like, or jump off things that look too scary to me.  But, when I get past the fear and learn to "hold you loosely," the Lord lets me experience the joy of you and of being a mommy in every sense of the word.  I love you more than you know (at least until you become parents of your own)!  Thank you for making me what I always wanted to be more than anything else--Mommy.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

my girl

so being the mom of a boy is familiar to me by now.  lots of sword fights and transformers and superhero costumes.  but, all of a sudden i'm getting to experience my daughter being a girl (all on her own--not by me getting to play dress up with her! :) )

She has taken to dressing up.  Initially, we found her in my drawer where I keep my shall-we-say unmentionables.  She had dressed up in lots of things in bright colors and had thrown everything out on the floor in a huge pile, then climbed in the drawer herself to get better access.  We, of course, had to take pictures....but, we will not be posting them here!  (She had also gotten into another drawer and had put on my hats and scarves....I think the apple does not fall far from the tree when it comes to my love of accessories!)

I will, however, post the pictures of her playing in my jewelry drawer.  She LOVES, loves to play dress up while I get ready in the morning.  I've gotten so tired of cleaning it up every time, that now if you come to my house unannounced you will find a bathtub of jewelry, b/c I just leave it in there and throw her in there with it to keep it confined!  :)

So, here are a few of my girl becoming a girl before my own eyes....I love having both a son and a daughter so much!  Thank you, Lord, that I get to experience both!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas at Coon Creek

We had a great time celebrating Christmas over New Year's weekend with Scott's side of the family. Here are the 3 granddaughters...I love how A and J are looking at each other. L is such a little mom to all the cousins! :)

Here are the two little girls in their matching coats from Aunt Rachel...and matching outfits from Honey. :)

My three favorite people.

J and L truly have a special kinship....It makes me happy that they have each other....and a little worried about the trouble they are going to get into together in a few years.

Here is J in his Batman mask from Gumble Dave and Aunt Ana....isn't is scary?!

Posted by PicasaOne of Rachel's friends came and took professional family photos of us all, and the lighting was so great that I took a bunch of shots myself.  Here is a really cute one of W walking A around.  He is so sweet with the little girls.

My precious kiddos.....

All the James girls...

Monday, January 4, 2010

J is 5, and Mommy is emotional

Three days after Christmas and 2 days after my birthday we get to celebrate our first little miracle.  He was born against even greater odds than we knew at the time....and it makes us very thankful for his strong-will that he was fighting from the very beginning. :)  We always have a pretty low-key birthday, as we celebrate with both families during Christmas and then have a friend birthday party some other day.  I'll admit, his turning 5 has been a little difficult on me.  I can't help but think about all the things that will happen this year.  I have such a little bit of time with him left at home, and I'm so sad to think about how fast it went.  We are so blessed to have this tender, funny, strong-willed, all-boy, crazy, loving, loyal little boy in our lives.  Thank you, Lord!

Ever since he turned 5, he refers to himself as "the five year old" in "come here, sissy, and give some love to the five year old," and "mommy, now that i'm a five year old i need 5 pieces of candy, not 4."  J constantly makes us laugh!

Here is J with his Star Wars's hilarious!

When he woke up we had all his presents from us and a sign for him...he hung it on his door! :)  Please notice his hair...he has great bed-head in the mornings!

Jonah loves he is in a Bumblebee helmet, gun and PJ's.

And for breakfast:  a blue number 5!

We love you, J--more than you will ever know (or at least until you have a son of your own!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

White Christmas

We had a great Christmas this year...complete with snow! The kids (and adults!) were SO excited.  It started snowing as we came home from Christmas Eve service, and nothing could have made it feel more like Christmas!  We put reindeer food out, and by morning it was buried.  Here is J trying to catch a flake on his tongue. :)

Here are Daddy and Jonah making snow angels and sledding....

This year was definitely the year of the superhero for J....all gifts revolved around Star Wars, Transformers, Batman or the like.  I love this picture....doesn't he look great?!  I know these are the type of pictures that will still melt my heart when I'm 90....

We let Jonah open one present on Christmas favorite gift was a new camera lens that lets me get great shots like this :)

J did ask Santa to bring A a Tinkerbell costume, however, so that was sweet. :)  We had a good laugh, because A is not quite as "dainty" as her costume....we joked that it was kind of like a bull in a party dress!!  Here she is pushing her new stroller.

And here is Tinkerbell again with Dad G!

We went to visit Mama Lee in the rehab hospital...and J and A loved for Grammy to take them on rides in the wheelchair.  A very funny site, believe me!  Here is A with Grammy...

We also had a great visit with she is with J, A and Gordy and Char's kids....

We had a wonderful time with my side of the family in Arkansas.  J even said to KK (on our last night there), "KK, isn't it crazy how the time flies so fast? Tomorrow I have to go home!"

A fell in love with Lucy the bulldog, and she really took off walking on my birthday!  Here we are before all going to dinner to celebrate my 29th birthday (and holding!) ;)

New Year's Resolution

I've decided, despite past thoughts on blogging, that this is the year I will join the masses. Please know I'm doing this only to chronicle (for myself and for my kids to read someday) the story of our lives. I was doing so good making scrapbooks for each year, and then a second child came along....and well, we still don't have 2008, much less 2009, books. Most people who blog have quick wit, a great talent of writing, or much more exciting lives than I. Don't expect any of that here. You can expect some funny one-liners from J, however....and probably lots of stories of A doing "firsts." And for sure a lot of pictures....b/c I fully intend to print this in book format at the end of the year and count that as our yearly book. Two birds with one stone and all that.

So, here's to 2010 and keeping up with the Jameses. Hope you enjoy.